Thursday, January 1, 2009

First post of 2009

Jan 1, 2009.

New year. Found myself celebrating new year in Singapore and San Francisco (21 hours later). Actually celebrating is the wrong word, since there were no parties or gathering ... since passengers in the airplane do not constitute a gathering. Had to travel to SF for my annual pilgrimage. Good thing, the weather in SF is not too bad, at least warmer than Maastricht.

For some weeks now, my right knee has been troubling me. It does not hurt when I run, swim or bike, but when I stay still for too long, my right leg stiffens up and the inner part of the knee hurts when I move. The pain was so bad that I woke up many times during the night. I experienced this kind of pain only after a hard / fast run. But since I have only done slow leisurely runs (once a week) since SCSM, it is a bit of a puzzle. For some moments, I actually wondered if this is the end of running for me! After all, many ex-runners stop because of knee problems.

I figured that it was because I stopped taking glucosamine for a while (since November). So I resumed my daily dosage, and will see if that is indeed the cause.

If things don't get better, that would be the end of this blog (not that many will notice). I guess MBH would be quite happy with that outcome. :(


Tekko said...

stiff leg is one of the symptom of osteoarithis. Could also be some tear in the ligaments or meniscus. You need to get it check out but it's not the end of running (speaking from personal experience:)

BFG said...

S: (n) osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease (chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints; the most common form of arthritis occurring usually after middle age)

Sounds terribly scary to me... will see doc about this!