Sunday, January 11, 2009

TLog: open water swim and sighting

Jan 11, 2009

Trizen organized an open water swim session at the Tanjong beach, Sentosa this afternoon. It has been a long time since I tasted salt water (20 years when diving in Phuket?), so I was a little uptight about this. But it is a necessary step if my tri plans for this year were to be realized.

The verdict: it wasn't as hard as I thought it to be. No doubt we were in the sheltered lagoon, and the waves were ... what waves? But the lack of visibility was not as bad as I thought it would be. As long as I focus on the stroke and breathing, it is not really different from swimming in the pool. What did catch me by surprise was the giddy feeling when rocked about by the gentle waves. Perhaps it was aggravated by the side swimming style, but coach told me that it was normal and we would get used to it.

The other thing we learnt was sighting, and we were taught two variations. Not used to this, so would need more work.

Really nice to sit down and chat with the other folks. Many have ironman race experience to share. Although the entire session took about 90 minutes, I felt that I could have gone on swimming for another 30 min or so.

Looking forward to the next open water swim.

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