Wednesday, January 7, 2009

TLog: Holding the line - tip from Sally Edwards

Jan 8, 2009

With a long absence of outdoor biking, it seems natural to head out for a 90 min spin this morning. Tried different gear combinations while maintaining a good cadence of 80 - 100 (estimated). Tried the big gear with 3 out along Changi coastal, and small gear with 5/6 in. Managed 24 kph going out against head wind, and 27-28 kph on way in. max speed- 33.2 kph.

Other than spinning hard periodically (reminder to myself - need to get a cadence monitor!), the focus today was on holding the line. This I read from a book, The Complete Book of Triathlons by Sally Edwards. I realized that I had trouble with holding the line especially while cycling along the road and when vehicles passes by. 

Interestingly, I discovered that moving forward on the saddle about 0.5 inch provided better traction for high cadence pedaling.

Ave HR: 139; high of 162.

1 comment:

Lotus Fire said...

Just started cycling recently would love to hear more about your discoveries on effective saddle positioning and all!