Monday, May 26, 2008

A journey of a thousand miles .. .千里之行,始于足下

I am relatively new to running, having started only in 2005. Main idea is to bring down my BMI. That was after they introduced the Asian version of BMI. So instead of being overweight, I was obese. Couldn't take it. So decided to run inspite of bad knees. Glucosamine helped, so I continued running. Weight came down most dramatically in the first 12 months - lost 14 kg.

That was great. I felt great. That this should come after 40 is a subject of much speculation among my friends. "Midlife crisis" or a term that I came across recently - "Adult Onset Fitness Syndrome".

The point is that exercise became a lifestyle choice. It became an integral part of my life. "Schedule in your workout as unbreakable appointments" is an advice I took to heart.

Thus began the Chronicles of Midlife Running.

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