Friday, April 9, 2010

LSD run with Team FatBird

On KL's prompting, I registered with Team FatBird for their ultra marathon training program. Although registration had closed, they were kind enough to accept WD and me. Each week, we'd get an email detailing the training runs for the week as well as a number of organized runs. This evening, I joined their 25km run at the Big Splash, starting from 9:30 pm.

Quite a large turnout, and TFB coach gave a short talk on the importance of sleep and recovery. As I learnt later, TFB coach is a 2:30 marathoner!

The organizers - DR and DO - were very hospitable, and introduced me to a number of runners. Spoke at length to H, who is a strong ultra runner. During the run, DO ran with me most of the way until the half marathon training turnaround point. He was really sincere in sharing his running and racing experiences,

I turned back just past NSRCC (the turnaround time is 1.5 hours) for safety and accountability reasons. Started to feel the impact of the tarmac, and slowed down to almost 8 min pace. Took a few toilet breaks,  and pace slowed over the last 4 km.

Overall pace 7:12 over 20km; HR 153.

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