Monday, February 9, 2009

me spam? no thanks!

Some of my friends who have been following this blog have noticed that it was removed for a couple of days, and emailed me about it. What happened was that google removed my blog due to spam activity. I guess it must be a virus coz I don't even know how to do spam. The good news is that my request for a review came through this morning, and BFG is up and running (no pun intended!).

So what do I have to report? Just an update on the last few training sessions (yawn!):

Feb 6: 90 min bike
Feb 7: 30 lap swim
Feb 8: 10 km aerobic run
Feb 10: 4x400m intervals

And oh yes... finally bought my Garmin cadence sensor yesterday at Sim Lim Square. Fitted it up and all set for a road test! Now what I need is a trainer. :)

1 comment:

Tekko said...

Yeah I was wondering as well. Missed your informative writings. Hmm.. how does a blog generate spam?