Friday, August 14, 2009

A Triathlete's Prayer

O God,
You have taught us to compete with perseverance the race that is set before us. Give me good courage to run this race to the finish. Be with me when I am in the water and on land, so that I may feel your presence in all things--in wind and in weather, in the beauty and magnificence of nature, in the passing scene, and in the health and vigor of my body straining to meet this challenge. May I compete in this race in a way that brings honor to you, myself, and those with whom I compete. When I finish the race may I do so humbly and should I not finish may I accept it with equal grace knowing that I have done my best.

A more humorous version from 220Triathlon Forum:

Our father, who art in transition
hallowed be thy race number
Thy swim to come in open water as it is in pool
forgive us our swim fight and we forgive those who swim over us
but lead us to transition
But deliver us from DNF - Amen

A Triathlete's Prayer
by Jessica Stanley

Make my elastic laces tight,
Make my goggles sit just right,
Don't pull hammies, quads or calfs,
Cut my swim time almost by half,
Let my transition be fast and neat,
Let my lactic legs be fleet,
And regardless of whether I lost or won,
The reason I came was just to have fun!

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