Wednesday, June 4, 2008

imaRuner: late starter

This was posted in SGRunners new members forum by late starter on Jun 3, 2008:

I am a late starter, start running last year at 43 after diagnosed with high cholesterol and glucose. Never a runner in my life except IPPT once a year and I either failed or just passed.

Started from 2km, I am jogging about 10-11km now on weekend at East Coast. Also doing two gym sessions per week with half an hour on treadmill.

Going for passion run this weekend and had registered for Bay Run half marathon. Very keen to either do a full marathon by year end or next year - It is in my bucket list! I am a bit like Sim Wong Hoo, set goal first, then work toward it.

I run for health reason as diet alone does not bring down my glucose, last blood test show my glucose level is normal.
I am a slow runner and always listen to my body as my brother in law passed away on the treadmill.

As many members noted: "Better late than never!" Keep running, bro!

PS: On June 22, latestarter wrote:

There is a quote "The man to beat is not the man in front of you but the man in you" which I saw at the bus stop. It took me some time to understand it, running is a journey. It takes alot of discipline and determination, every time I overcome a problem I move one step forward.
BFG note: How true!

imaRunner is a series about ordinary people and their not-so-ordinary running achievements.

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