Saturday, May 8, 2010

24 hours, 3 runs, 50+km

Another double run session. 18 km followed by 23 km within 6 hours. It was my wise idea to do this at night, so as to get accustomed to night running. So I scheduled the 18 km run when MBH was engaged with her alpha LG Friday evening. Did it real easy and had dinner around 10:30 pm.

Felt tired and sleepy - it was a long day after all. So I decided to take a short nap. Which turned out to be a long sleep. Finally stumbled out of bed at 6 am, feeling guilty for over-resting. The good news was that the 23 km run turned out pretty well, and I managed to hit my target pace for the last 5 km.

Rain disrupted my plan for a recovery swim, but it stopped in time for an easy 10 km jog at the stadium. That made up a total of 86 km this week so far. Another 10 km run to reach the bare minimum mileage for the double marathon.

One thing that bother me of late is that with all the training and long runs, I am becoming what I vowed not to be - an absentee dad. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is always by choice :)