Sunday, March 14, 2010

Too much of a good thing?

Saturday was supposed to be my first foray into the Singapore Biathlon, and I was looking forward to it. But I came down with severe stomach cramps on Friday night - possibly due to some food I took during dinner. I have a weak stomach, so I was anticipating a bout of diarrhea and vomiting. Suffice it to say, I decided not to take part in the biathlon. Disappointed to say the least, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Thankfully, I was well after resting on Saturday, and today I set out to do the bike-run-bike-run session. Similar to last week's - just that coach wanted me to go faster. First 57k at ave speed of 28.5kph. 8k run at ave 6:33 pace. 20k @ 30.3 kph, and last 1k at 4:54 pace. The timings were a little better than last week's. Partly due to the rest on Sat, or perhaps the SIS energy drink I took before the session?

This week's long run of 18km went well. Averaged 7:00 for 16km - I think the rain this week helped cooled things down. The last 2 km was at 5:36 and 5:28.

Overall, a pretty good training week, notwithstanding the hiccups.

1 comment:

IN-tri-Blog said...

what faster than last week?! wow seow eng u are more than ready for race bro!