Friday, October 2, 2009


There's something primal about running among trees and dense foliage with a spear in one's hand. Minutes ago, we were told by two bikers that there were three dogs that loved chasing bikers and (less so) runners. So when WD picked up a bamboo stick, I thought that was a good idea and picked up a fallen branch (my makeshift spear). Then we entered this densely vegetated trail, almost fully covered overheard.

No, we didn't encounter any dogs, just a chicken running away from the sight of us mighty hunters.

The truth is that if I were a caveman depending on my hunting (and running) skills, I wouldn't last very long.

It was just a 15 km trail run from BTVC. The plan was to go via Hindhede loop - Diary Farm pass - Belukar track - Zhenghua Park - Gangsa track - u-turn point at 7.5km (hope to reach Gangsa loop), then back track via Belukar track and Lornie track to BTVC.

At Zhenghua Park, we decided not to go via Chestnut Drive, but rather the PCN toward Bt Panjang. That led us beside the BKE and we found an underpass beneath the BKE to cut across to the east side. We were at a farm, and took the northerly track which eventually led to Gangsa track. We managed to reach Gangsa loop, and had a breather at the expressway junction, marking 7.5 km.

The weather was hot and I wished I'd brought along a bottle of water to cool myself. On the way back, we took the longer Gangsa track - hence the dog episode.

Belukar track became quite familiar after a number of runs through it. It was "painful" to run in the open part of this track and we were relieved to get back into shade.

Right after passing the rifle range, I ran out of hydration, but it was only 2km more to go. BTVC was a welcome sight.

Even though this was only 15km (taking 2:30), I kinda struggled today. Attributed( conveniently) it to the weather and heat.

View in Garmin connect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was tough but you got through it in hot/humid conditions. Well done.