Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TLog: 24 km long run - objective unaccomplished

Cool evening, supposed to rain late afternoon, but the sky held up in the eastern part of the island. Switched run from Thu to today as I wanted to cycle tomorrow and keep Sun free. This is an evening run, as opposed to my normal morning runs.

The good news: (1) managed to keep HR below 140 for first 9 km as well as the second 9 km... hard cap in both cases (ok, perhaps 1 or 2 above 140, but this is the best by far in terms of HR).

(2) First tempo run at 5:45 and 5:39 for 10 and 11 km resp. Better than the 11:35 target. Second long run was good. Hard cap at 140 HR maintained... had to walk 500 m after first tempo run to bring HR down sufficiently to maintain the cap. It worked.

(3) Found some rthyme from the strides, even when going slow. Concentrated on the lean and kick back. Kick back wasn't high as pace was slow, but if I focused on the kick back motion and arm swing, I can improve my pace even without higher HR. This is a good outcome, I think. Was able to go below 8 min/km for km 4 to 9 even while keeping HR < 140. And also for 14, 15 and 17 km.

Now the bad news. Second tempo run fell short of target. 5:51 and 5:55 for 21 and 22 km. Had to break for road crossing after 300m on 23 km (I was actually quite relieved to have to wait for the traffic!). What's more the Garmin had a problem ... system autodown or sthg. So that broke my tempo .. anyway, the truth was that I was running out of steam then. Miserable 7:19 for 23 km. Way off the target of 17:30 (5:46 pace) for the three km! :(

Felt tired after this run, unlike previous long runs. Found this to be a hard run in spite of better slow pace run.

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