Saturday, October 25, 2008

BFG Rave Runs: Chicago Grim Reaper

There was a halloween party at the Union League Club last night, and I bumped into the grim reaper in the elevator (hence the title). There were also a Joker (ala Batman), ghouls, witches, etc. Well, America is big into halloween.

Second run in the windy city with a temp of 51 deg F. As I started out, it was overcast, windy and cold! Had to resist the temptation to head back up to the gym and treadmill. Good thing I persevered, for the weather cleared up within 15 minutes, the sun came out and it turned out to be a gorgeous afternoon. More runners about this afternoon. Wind was more moderate.

This time, I headed south to the planetarium - to reminisce the good ole days - before heading back up to Lincoln Park. Kept HR to under 140 bpm. Not surprisingly, my pace was much faster - averaging 6:15 to 6:45. This is about 2 minutes faster than the norm. Did a tempo run at 10th and 11th km, pushing up HR to 170. No speed target, but managed 5:19 and 5:08.

On the way back, I still kept HR to under 140. But pace was about 7:08 to 7:40. Not surprisingly, given the wind factor (14 mph). It was getting dark as I approached 20 km, so decided to head back to the hotel.

Gave directions for the Lakeshore Drive underpass to a couple (hope I was right) and the time to a fellow lady runner, and $2 to an African American elderly lady for train fare (God bless you too!). I guess I looked like the friendly sort of guy.

View from Shedd aquarium : fall colors evident View of Adler planaterium
Chicago skyline from planaterium: congratulations to the couple!
Lincoln Park

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