Extracted from Chapter 10 of Be Iron Fit by Don Fink
Body position: think sleek, slipper torpedo.
Press upper torso into the water to allow hips and legs to rise to the surface.
Body rotation - (1) adds leverage to each stroke, (2) makes breathing more efficient and (3) decreases body profile, hence reduce drag.
Flaws to avoid: (1) low hips (2) swimming flat. Chest lean drill to improve body position
Stroke mechanics:
Entry above head and in front of shoulder. Avoid overreaching (hands crossing over centerline of body, creating fishtail effect), limited glide (beginning stroke immediately... pause at the end of extension before catch).
Catch: shoulder rolls forward as elbow bends, but remains high in the water. Wrap hand and forearm around a barrel in the water. Avoid dropping elbows and lack of shoulder roll.
Pull: pull back in S-like shape. Avoid lack of follow-through.
Release/Recovery: do a soft recovery, arms gently returning through the air.
Kick: Smaller, more efficient kick recommended. Kick to help rotate body and maintain proper position, but dohould do little to propel forward. Avoid big kick (too large, too wide) and too many kicks per stroke.
Turbulence: Side-to-side turbulence through hands crossing over in front of head, and kicking too big.
Up-and-down turbulence lifting head to breathe.
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