Sunday, January 3, 2010

Georgia on my mind 01012010

The longest new year day - 1 Jan 2010. Started off waking up at 5:30 am. No, not for a morning ride, but to get to the airport for three flights (SIN-TYO-LA-ATL). 30 hours later, I checked into my Atlanta hotel at 11 pm on 1 Jan 2010. Survived the long queues at the airports due to heightened security, bag transit (for once, my bag did not go MIA), and terrible airline food. So a happy 2010 indeed.

The next day was a little better, doing an easy 15km treadmill run. Why treadmill? Because it was -1 deg C outside. Much tempted though I was to run outdoors - it was a beautiful day with clear blue sky - I didn't want to risk it. Good thing the treadmill had a TV monitor to keep me occupied. But it was tough to stay focussed for so long on the treadmill. I was counting the miles and minutes.

Unable to sleep due to jet lag, I read two very interesting posts. The first is by our own ultra Ironman, describing his IMWA 2009 experience. A good race takes a lot of luck - an alignment of the stars, factors that are beyond our control. We tend to be deluded into linear thinking by past accomplishments, thus getting disappointed when our goals are not achieved. Luck plays a bigger role than we imagine. The key thing is what can we learn when the stars are not aligned. Learn from the experience and stay positive.

The second post is the Click-4-Klick event ... a 30 hours 150 km run by Major Kelly Lim to raise funds for the needy. 6 loops (25km) around Bedok reservoir, starting from 3 am. A 13km run to MacRitchie, and looping around the reservoir till 9 am. An amazing feat to overcome lack of sleep, rain, cold, fatigue and blisters! For more read on...And do make a donation if you can!

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