Sunday, January 15, 2012

Heartfelt gratitude

After the dust have settled and sanity restored, I realized how significant people were not acknowledged in the M-dot journey. So here's setting the record straight:

- EN for setting me up right and encouragement in my down moments at various cycling events/races "Remember your goal, which is to complete the Ironman"

- GL - three times IMWA finisher - for the  unexpected emails and support at Mega Tri "Looking strong" 

- HW - deca Ironman, coach "In one week's time, you WILL be an ironman"

- IN, SC, CS, YP, CT, DC, MH, etc ... fellow IMWA journeymen "mental strength"

- my beloved family "Daddy, we will run with you" -- 27th km mark, my darkest moment

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