It is somewhat of a puzzle even for me as to why I keep this blog. A documentation of my adventure through midlife is probably the most compelling reason. What else? Training log for sure. Amusement, perhaps. It is also a medium for verbalizing my thoughts, fears, doubts, hopes and aspirations.
Sometimes, I faltered and thought of stopping. But somehow I kept going.
Of late, I have discovered another reason to keep this blog going. It is best captured by a line I read in Craig's blog (btw, I hold Craig's writing in extremely high regard):
In A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller writes, “The saddest thing about life is that you don’t remember half of it."
Yes, I write to remember.
Well said.
Keke... frankly speaking, I will jot down in point form the interesting bits soon after the ride, cos I will forget 50% of the details when I start to blog. =p
I used to think that bloggers are egoistic people who wants the world to know what they are doing and how great their lives are. i could never quite understand why bloggers would want to share their privte thoughts with the whole world. But having read BFG in these recent monthss, I realise that blogs, besides being a record of events, could be an inspiration to others. Keep it up BFG.
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