It had been a while since we ventured up Keppel viaduct, so I planned an unconventional ride through Clementi, NUS-Westcoast-Jln Buroh, U-turn, and up Keppel viaduct. Traffic was light at 4 ~ 5 am, but there were trucks coasting along the viaduct.
I didn't see the accident as I was bringing the rear with CL. What I saw was IN holding his wheel and I thought "puncture." It was much worse - he lost the front peleton, saw some potholes but was helmed in by a truck and couldn't avoid the potholes. Went through the first but caught off balance by the second. Right-side abrasions to shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. Terrible accident.
Much to our surprise, IN continued the ride all the way - up Mt Faber (Kg Bahru approach) twice (officially it's one and a half loops), TBG, SBV and back home. For this, he deserved the FOTR Valiant Heart Award!
What of the Kg Bahru side of Mt Faber? Everything we heard about it is true. Tough b***h of a climb. I was panting so hard that I could have woken up the whole neighborhood. But definitely glad that we made it through :)
The gang was a little disappointed that we skipped Pepys as JT and KC had to head back to work. Best of all was prata breakfast at Evans.
Heal fast, IN! See you back on the saddle soon.
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