Sunday, July 11, 2010

The week that was (not)

The week started out pretty well. Easy 8km run and swim on Monday, bike-run brick session on Tue, gym and swim with SportInc on Wed (I actually enjoyed the swim session!). Then came unlucky Thu. Just a casual spin with TC, my good friend from VS who wanted to take up cycling. I had arranged for him to buy a second hand bike, and went down with him to test ride, buy cycling gear, and Thu was supposed to be a confidence booster for TC before he went on the roads.

Silly me decided to go on my tri-bike and was spinning along the PCN wooded park when I hit a depression (which I couldn't see) and down I went. As SC reminded me later, wasn't it Lance Armstrong who said that it is not whether we'll crash, but when. Thank God nothing serious. Some abrasions on the arms and right knee. Just a bloody mess, which my sons squirmed at. The right wrist was a little tender.

The fall meant that I missed the Sat 100km ride (sigh) and two swim sessions and another 12 km run. But on Sunday, I felt good enough to go back on the bike.

And what a ride that was. About 5km into the ride, up along Bartley viaduct, we heard a loud bang. I thought it was my tire, but it was IN's. His second puncture on the 1080s. Good thing CS was on hand to show us how to change a tubular tire (his spare). Took about half an hour. Sounded familiar? Last week we had a puncture as well.

Three loops of KB, and the rest were cursing me for picking this route. Then two more loops of Selarang/Loyang. Of course it was not fair that I had fresh legs. I remembered how dogged tired I was at the end of last week's second long ride.

There were 9 of us in all. The first time we had our two ladies with us. Would have been 11 had JN and Jodan been able to make it.

We cut short the ride to only 75km on account of various factors - tiredness, time constraints, etc. But it was certainly good to be back on the bike, bandage and all.

After breakfast, I discovered to my dismay that my front tire was flat. Two punctures in one day. CS to the rescue again. And this time, he showed us how to use pit stop. We should pay CS for the tire changing lessons!


Jodan said...

I missed two good lessons. =(
CS really hard-cored. Din know of anyone who will bring a tubluar spare. =)

Sounds like a good ride. =)
Will be there next week!

Jimmy Ng said...

Took any photos? Perhaps we will have a different answer to how many cyclists is required to change the tube :).

Anonymous said...

sorry about the fall, but glad you are already back in the saddle.