Thursday, June 24, 2010

The C word - Cramps

Cramps. My beloved nemesis!
For long rides over 2 hours, cramps are very real problems.

From my intimate experience with the Cs, they strike due to 
- salt and electrolyte imbalance due to heavy perspiration 
- anaerobic state for too long
- tight muscles
insufficent conditioning

Better genes help, naturally, but we can't do anything about what God endowed us with. So..

Solutions from trial and error, and these vary from person to person:
- s-caps / salt tablets 
- isotonic drink e.g. infinit (recommended by Mark Allen)
- stretch b4, during and after exercise
- monitor HR, determine and adhere to HR zones
- avoid sudden surges
- shift to easier gears
- take more frequent and longer breaks
- sports massage 
- training. motherhood reason :) 
Above are my thoughts in response to a recent FOTR discussion on cramp problems in cycling.

1 comment:

Tekko said...

try applying jump start from Lynk Biotech. It can delay the onset of cramp