A good hour before the first light. Even so, the streets and park connectors are not as deserted as one would thought. People were about with their dogs, for walks, to bike and of course, for some, to work.
It has been some time since I did a dawn-breaking run. Kinda missed the quiet of the morning, where footsteps of fellow runners could be heard 10 m away. 6:05 am. Passed some fishermen along the canal, on a whole night camping expedition. Wonder how many fish they caught. Along the PCN toward east coast, there were a good number of runners/joggers heading towards the coast. A few were returning back, and I wondered what time they started!
6:30 am. Saw G, Laguna fitness instructor, passing on his mountain bike, too fast to notice me.
Maintained HR at 145, although only at a 7:20 to 7:30 pace. Passed A, who was also too fast to notice me. The usual old folks with their tai-chi stance and music. Before too long, I'd be joining them.
Had a "wonderful" inspiration to introduce a progressive marathon award for the PMC running community. Also pondered about how coincidental it was that two good old friends had brought up the matter of a hospitality institute in Siam Reap. Note to myself to email LD about this.
Picked up the pace a little to 7 between 10 and 11 km before the toilet break at B2 car park before Fort Road. 7:25 am.
The return leg was a little more brisk, about 7 pace. But HR went up to above 150. By 7:30 am, there were quite a good crowd along the east cost, even for a weekday.
8:30 am. The sun is now up with its cheerful disposition. The schedule was for a 21 km aerobic run, but I put in another slow 5 km to increase mileage in the run-up to Tokyo.
Post run note: The 2XU compression pants worked really well. Only the second time out with the 2XU, the first being a short run in Maastricht in Dec. No soreness or tightness in hamstrings and calves during and after the run. Only issue was the usual right knee that acted up after the run.
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