Cool morning run and it felt good today. Must be the rest yesterday. Out of a scale from 1 to 5, I rate today's run a 4.5.
After the first two km for warm up, managed a good pace throughout. Except for a break for gel and a telemarketeer phone call (private number), it was pretty consistent - below 7 min/km until 18 km. Cool down thereafter.
Quite pleased with the consistent HR during this run, and holding form during the latter part of the run. More so given the course - the undulating terrain leading to Changi Village. The spike in HR about 17 km was due the overhead bridge when I "attacked" the slopes going up. :)
My first long run with the Nimbus 10. Good cushioning and balance. The heavier weight didn't really make any difference.
surely you have lost all that New Year add-ons after this run!
how long did you take to run 18k?
This is a LSD run at my marathon pace, which is 7 min/km. Overall, it took me almost two hours to cover 18km, which is slow by any standard. But for back-of-the-pack people like me, I'm quite happy with it! :)
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