Tuesday, May 27, 2008

BFG Rave Runs: Regensburg Germany

Regensburg, Germany
Touted as Germany's best-preserved medieval city situated along Danube or Donau river close to Munich, Bavaria.. Isn't this a pretty town?

June 21, 2007:
Decided to take a slow run to see the town. Started off from Ibis hotel at Furtmayrstrasse at about 6:45 am, crossed the bride over the railway tracks into Maximillanstrasse, the main thoroughfare that goes through the historic town. Cobblestone road, with 2-story shops on both sides. At the Domplatz, is the DOM, St Peter’s Cathedral, a two spire medieval church of Gothic architecture. Down to the river (Danube or Donau) where the Old Stone Bridge spans. This 12th century bridge profiles the brilliant bridge builders of that era as the river was very rapid during that time. Ran west along the river, past more cobblestone paths and old stone walls and watch towers. Crossed the river at a bridge-dam (which explains why the currents are much slower nowadays) into Inselpark. Ran back under the stone bridge via AM Beschlacht, an artificial strip of stone foundation for the bridge. Crossed back to old town on Eiserne Brucke and back-tracked back to hotel. About 7 – 8 k. As in SF, hb stayed way below normal, in moderate range (<150). Good recovery run, the first since the Phuket half marathon.

Old Stone Bridge
A masterpiece of medieval engineering and a symbol of the wealth of Regensburg's merchants. Built between 1135 and 1146 and for much of its 800-year history was the only bridge that crossed the Danube at Regensburg. The massive pillars that carry the bridge's 16 arches dam up the river to form the rapids known as the "Donaustrudel."

June 22, 2007:
Took a westerly route this morning, turning into Albertstrasse and the Furst-Anselm-Allee park. Passed the Thurn and Taxis Palace (wealthy family), through part of Dornbergpark, and the Jakobstor (west gate) checkpoint. Continued through Stadtpark and Herzogspark before reaching the Donau opposite Oberer Wohrd. Crossed the dam bridge again into Inselpark and back the same way. About 7k. Went faster today, but still did not go above 160 for sustained periods.

Medieval fort

June 23, 2007:
While the last two days were overcast, this morning was gorgeous. Clear blue sky and warmer weather. Went the easterly route today. Turned into Osternallee park down to Villapark. Ont he way is Ostenton, a clock tower gate (west gate!). There’s a old “castle” at Villapark, which is very medieval. The filled in moat can still be seen. The river along this stretch is used for passenger ferries. Many stalls and benches were set up along the river in anticipation of the people’s festival this weekend. Ran passed the old stone bridge again, and tried to retrace the route back via Herzogspark. But I turned too soon and ended back into the historic town. That was fine with me as the smell of freshly baked bread from the small bakeries worked up an appetite. About 7 k.

June 24, 2007:
This being the last day at Regensburg, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to run. But the weather was gorgeous, much like yesterday. So I decided to go for another run. Longer this time, about 8 k. Combined the westerly route with the easterly route, so no surprise today. Enjoyed the scenery along the wooded parks and early morning clean up after yesterday’s festivities. This time, I didn’t go under the old stone bridge as I did the first two days. Instead, when up the side path up to the old stone bridge. The beer garden/restaurant was to the north of this side path (it’s actually a small island Stadamhof). Recalled the brutwurst and beer last evening with Kerry Vandell, Deborah, David Downs, Meg, Shaun and Shahid. Turned south at Villapark and retraced step back to Ibis. About 8 k. Took some nice photos from atop the old stone bridge.

Old “castle” at Villapark, which is very medieval. The filled in moat can still be seen.

Ostenton, a clock tower gate (west gate)

What a wonderful and delightful town Regensburg is!

Honor Roll: All runs done on Saucony Type A, which is nice except for the cobble stone road! Next time, if there would be a next time, I'll be sure to bring along well cushioned shoes.

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