Friday, May 11, 2012

Countdown to SD5

Perhaps it's too little too late, but for what it's worth, I am giving it a good go.

Signed up for Sundown marathon, fifth year consecutive. Collected race pack today, and it was a good expo. Lots of new stuff. Temptations around every corner. Tsk tsk.

The main point of this post is not about temptations. It's about LSD runs.

Last Sunday was the first time in months that I returned to a familiar running ground - which had acquired a reputation in the past year. It might have been at least 5 to 6 months that I was last here. At least a good year since I last ran here at night. Not too late at night, mind you. Around 7 to 8 pm.

Nice feeling as usual. Cool weather with rain in the morning. Good pace at HR~145. Two loops around the reservoir before heading back to Tampines and home. 21 km in total.

Savory salted fish fried rice for supper. Good stuff.

Thinking what I should eat after the next LSD run this weekend.

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