Sunday, September 12, 2010


Fourth year in a row for me, and the first time MBH doing the 21km. This is not her first time for a half - she completed that in SDM 2010. But her 3-month course had cut down her training and we went in undertrained. Nevertheless, we wanted to give it our best shot.

Picked up HP in the morning and arrived with some minutes to spare. By the time we got to the starting bay, we realized that the front runners have already done. But it was good to meet up with CT, CL, EW, SC and DT and Ling. The route this year went through MBS which was a good change. The earlier starting time of 5:15 am was also a welcome change. It meant that we get to run in cooler temperatures.

The other change was the different start times for open and closed categories. But the army boys starting overtaking us soon enough.

As usual, we did a run-walk and it was good to see the runners above us along the Sheares Bridge when we were crossing the new bridge. About 5 to 6 km into the race, MBH's ITB and knee started to bother her. But she was determined to grind it out. We kept going - up and down the Sheares Bridge into Fort Road. Met HP and Jodan along the east coast stretch. They were looking strong!

The support tables were sufficiently staffed and we were happy with our bananas. :) The only complaint was the lack of WC and portatoilets. I had to queue for 5 min!

The last few km were a grind as usual. But we were encouraged by this elderly gentleman who shuffled along steadily, often overtaking us. Credos to him!

About 5 km from the end, MBH was struggling. But after a quick check I told her that she could achieve a PB. Her time at SDM 21km was 3:45. That kept her going even though the sun was up and it was getting hotter.

Down the final stretch and we were able to cross the finish line at 3:42 (gun time). By my estimate, it would be 3:35 chip time, which would definitely be a PB!

Overall, we were very pleased with the organization - SSBR/AHM is one of the better organized races locally. Will be back for the 2011 edition!


Jodan said...

Congrats to Mrs Ong for her PB. =)
Hope to run with my Mrs at AHM one day too. =)

Anonymous said...

well done both. fantastic effort and a pb as well. have a good week