Sunday, May 23, 2010

week t-2

Two weeks before the race. Time for taper. This is the period that is most difficult for me. On the one hand, I am relieved that the tough training is over, but on the other, there's always this lingering doubt - have I trained enough? am I ready?

With the longest run at 30km, my training would appear insufficient. But hopefully the back-to-back long runs, and back-to-back-to-back runs over 24 hours would have worked their desired effects. The test, as they say, is in the pudding.

It's simply a tradeoff. Very long runs would require longer rest periods. Break up the long runs but execute over say 24 hours, instead. At least for this set of old bones.

Completed my last long run, a 20km affair, this evening, to cap off a 50km week. Surprisingly, ave HR was under 150 with reasonable pace of 7:09 to 7:54.

The other thing that kept me busy this week was counting calories. Planning what to eat for the 13 to 15 hours ordeal is not a trivial matter. A plan is a plan, after all. 3,000 calories in the form of infinit, SIS go, clif shot bloks and cereal bars, SIS gel, bananas, 100plus and possibly a sandwich. Keeping all that down is the trick, eh?

Last but not least, it's vitamins and antioxidants time. The family's down with flu over the past two weeks. Touch wood.

Ready or not ...


MBH said...

Wood does not respond....God, pray!

Anonymous said...

Taper well, BFG.

IN-tri-Blog said...

all the best. your prep looks good! u should be able to make the finish line.

Jimmy Ng said...

I am sure all will be well....enjoy the run