It was all over me right from the word go this morning. Perhaps it had been too long since I did a OWS in competitive conditions, or just nerves, but shortly after I hit the waters, I was hyperventilating and kicking too hard. After the first turn, I slowed down to relax, but the damage was done. As I exited the waters after the first loop, I felt cramps in both thighs as I ran up the beach. Not good.
Had to slow down even more on the second loop, deliberately keeping the leg movements to a minimum. Took an S-cap at T1 only to find that my garmin was beeping insufficient memory. Trust me not to delete old workouts! The watch was a goner, and I had no idea how fast or slow I rode and ran.
The weather was wonderful during the first two loops of the ride. Overcast and cool. I kept the pace cool, not only because of "C" but also I had wanted to go easy on the first two loops.
Only on the third loop did the sun break through. And that's when the C beast came out again. It was on the last climb over Benjamin Sheares Bridge. Both thighs. Had to slow to a crawl to keep going. Thank God, the C monster abated.
Saw MBH there with the videocam during loop 2, and the first thing I asked her was for the time. 11:25. So about 3 hours plus. Better than I thought.
Took my time in T2 (too much time was wasted in T1 fiddling with my watch!), and remembered IN's advice to apply deep heat. It definitely helped.
The sun was out in all its glory during the first two loops of the run, and all I could do is to keep moving without waking up you-know-who. To be honest, loop one was the worst. I entertained thoughts of giving up then. DNF.
And let the C become an L? No, not today.
Coach caught me as I was finishing loop 2, and with his encouragement, I managed to find a second wind. I finished loop 3 8 minutes faster than loop 2, whatever that pace was.
Never thought I would be so happy to see the finish line.
The cold towel MBH brought for me felt so so so good! Thanks, dear, for being there for me.
But truth be told, my happiest moments were when I reached home. There was this banner made by the boys and MBH pinned over the door, welcoming me back.
Yes, all those hours of suffering receded into the deep recess of memory, as did the "C" monster.
Honor roll: Nimbus 9 silver, Cervelo P2, 2XU endurance suit
Congrats you did very well! I hope I managed to take a pic of you. Have yet to go through all the photos.
Well done, mate.
All your training had paid off handsomely. =)
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