Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Conceivable and achievable

John Bingham in a recent RW article notes that the marathon has gained in popularity because it is increasingly conceivable and hence achievable. How true.

Having completed 7 marathons and a 50-k ultra, I find myself in a strange but familiar place of contemplation. The contemplation involves speculating on the possibility of completing 84k within 15 hours.

Why the familiarity, you may wonder? Just two years ago, when I laid hands on the Aviva 70.3 tee, I could not conceive how it was possible to cover such distances. And I told myself that it would be my goal to complete the distance, even though I couldn't swim a decent 300m. That was the point of conceivability (is this a word?). Now I work towards achieving that goal.

More recently, I accomplished another goal of running 50k before age 50. That was conceived after I completed my first marathon. So conceived, so achieved.

So naturally, the next step up is the 84k.

The contemplation involves examining calories from gels and cereal bars and electrolyte drinks, having learnt how ultra-athletes fuel themselves while on endurance races/training. I contemplate various race strategies and outcomes. I wonder if I can do it.

I vacillate between doubt and faith. But doubt appears to be receding (just like my hairline).

The point is this: 84k has become conceivable. And I am pondering the hows.


Anonymous said...

it's a long distance and a long journey to 84k. no doubt you will get there. you have the strong will and desire to achieve this. i'm sure you'll research how to fuel/hydrate. this is going to be one epic journey. good luck

Workingdonkey said...

Dont contemplate. Lets do it.