5th edition of the Singapore Aviva Ironman 70.3 saw a number of us returning for the second time, with a few first timers. A totally different route for 2011, with a flat CCR bike route instead of the scenic Sheares bridge. The run was also shadier but with lots more pedestrains. Notwithstanding the better weather (it rained on the last run loop) and the PB (6:45 is nothing to shout about!), the race was memorable for a number of incidents.
Snap shot #1: a cycling lying motionless along CCR with blood trickling down his face.
Snap shot #2: CT standing on the road side on loop 2 of the bike, out with a puncture
Snap shot #3: A competitor from Japan with a hat banner that reads "Pray for Japan"
Snap shot #4: IN sneaking up on me on the run (again!) but with road rashes on his shoulder, hip and leg. Gutsy way to get a PB!!
But the upside of the race:
MBH cheering for me on my first bike loop, as well as DL, my photographer nephew
HP and GP cheering us on along the run route
Nice post-race buffet
Great camaradarie
PBs for many - IN, SC, KC, YP, CS, KL, AY, etc (too many to name)
So this was how the race went for me:
Took it easy on the swim leg, got kicked in the chest and bumped into countless bodies. Was shocked to see a :30 first loop. Managed to finish in 1 hr. PW. Later I found out that everyone was affected by the strong current.
The bike course was a tad boring (compared to Sheares Bridge), with strong winds along sections of the course. No drafting rule was completely defied. I unashamedly drafted when confronted with headwind :( Posted a 2:52 PB with ave HR of 152.
Felt cramps coming on right into the run. So I took it easy for the first two km, and thankfully, the cramping feeling went away. Was able to hit my target pace for the next 5 to 6 km, but HR was in overdrive. Needed a toilet break and it went downhill after that. Ran with CS the last 2 km when the showers finally came. 2:44 for the run. PW!
I learnt from a fellow age grouper S Samdal (5:30!) about the remarkable
Norseman extreme long distarnce triathlon in Norway that comprises a swim in the fjord (frigid cold waters), bike up 5 mountains (5,000m ascent!) and a run up another mountain (
1,850 meters above sea level!!!). 18.5 hours cutoff, believe it or not.
Thanks to all the supporters and friends! Thanks for exorcizing the ghost of DNF that always haunt me during the run leg. You were a great bunch.